Why I Collect Reborn Dolls

Published on 7 December 2023 at 19:51

At first I started collecting reborn dolls to help me with my crocheted items- making sure the baby hats were the right size, adding plushies next to the babies to showcase them. Then it turned into something much bigger than that. It first started as a hobby and now it has become more of a therapeutic outlet. 


Since I can't have my own children, due to medical complications and needs, I am unable to carry and care for a real child. While this makes me pretty sad because when I was a little girl, I dreamed of having a family of 5 kids of my own. When I filled out the "Where will you be in 10 years" from the American Girl magazine, at the age of 12, I was a girl with big dreams and goals. My little 12 year old self would probably be very disappointed that she can't have her own kids. So to make my 12 year old self happy and complete, I now have my little reborn family. A reborn family that will continue to grow and change over time. While that may not be exactly what my little self had envisioned, it completes the puzzle. 


Now I get to care for my reborn dolls as if they were my own children. I get to shop for them and even my silicone babies need to be bathed every now and then. I am their caretakers and I need to make sure that I do that well. I love each of them for different reasons and I do tend to get attached to them, especially my silicone babies. 


You may think this is kind of strange or odd, I thought that too at first. At first I just had them out on display and I would take a lot of photographs of them. That was kind of my limit. How I interact with them now happens more naturally and is not forced at all. I find that I want to role play with them. I role play in my own way, I hold them, bring them on outings, film youtube, TikTok and instagram content and so much more. My reborns have given me back a purpose, which I hadn't truly had before. If I had a purpose before, it was temporary until it could be taken away. When I say taken away, I don't mean that someone told me I can't do something anymore, well they sort of did, but it was to protect my medical health. Some things I used to love because dangerous for my health. My reborn dolls will never be dangerous to my health, in fact, they actually make my days brighter. 


I collect reborn dolls for my health, because I love them, for the little 12 year old me, for my dreams of being a parent and so many more reasons.

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